
Questionnaire: Distributing our Film

In order to use the most effective methods of advertising for my film and its target audience, I created a questionnaire that would give me reliable results to create an efficient marketing plan from.

Create your own user feedback survey

If the questionnaire is now closed, below are the questions I asked:

1. What type of advertising technique first catches your attention when a film is released?
 - posters
 - trailers
 - soundtrack
 - announcement of the director 
    and cast

2. Which social media app do you use most?
 - Facebook
 - Instagram
 - Twitter
 - Snapchat
 - Pinterest
 - Tumblr
 - LinkedIn
 - Google+
 - YouTube

3. Which social media app(s) would you use for updates on an up and coming film?
 - Facebook
 - Instagram
 - Twitter
 - Snapchat
 - Pinterest
 - Tumblr
 - LinkedIn
 - Google+
 - YouTube

4. What's important to you in order to look forward to seeing a film? 
 - being excited to meet the 
 - being able to access frequent 
 - having a range of media to share 
    and discuss but which doesn't 
    spoil the film itself (images, 
    clips, script extracts, character 
 - soundtrack
 - voiceover

5. What do you look for in a film trailer? 
 - short in length
 - highlights key plot (action)
 - highlights only part of key plot, 
    inducing curiosity
 - a voice over which uses direct 
 - exciting soundtrack

6. Does your appeal to movies depend on the cast?
 - no
 - I'd be more likely to watch a 
   movie with A-list celebrities
- I'd be more likely to watch a 
   movie with not so well known 


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